It’s funny how overlooked John often is, as one of the four gospels. I know I focused on the most popular three before this class. Matthew, Mark, and Luke are always the first gospels people reference and it seems funny to me now because there is so much in John that isn’t in any of the other gospels. Like we’ve discussed in class, maybe the reason John is taken for granted is the fact that the way it was written and the information it gives on Jesus’ life is the most unique. The other three share the majority of their information and are more similarly written. John on the other hand, has a huge amount of information that you can’t find in any other gospel and is written from kind of a different perspective. While the three main gospels discuss Jesus as a man, John seems to focus more on the fact that he is divine. Also, because John does have so much extra information that none of the others back up, it might be possible that some people look at it as a less accurate account of Christ’s life. Yet so many things make that claim almost ridiculous.
One huge thing John has that the other’s don’t is an almost guaranteed eyewitness writing the account. He talks of the beloved disciple and it is almost surely him. In John, Jesus is divine from the beginning, he always knows. John also does not have Jesus speaking any parables which is such a significant part of the other three gospels.
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